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UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

We are committed to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) in our business. These goals aim to guide the UN member states’ operations until 2030. In 2019, we identified the nine most important goals for our work and our stakeholders, and in 2020 we prioritised three goals from the perspective of Tokmanni’s operations: SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production; and SDG 13: Climate Action.

Due to businesses acquired in 2023, Tokmanni Group is in a transition phase in the integration of Dollarstore as well as Click Shoes and Shoe House operations into its sustainability target setting and reporting. Tokmanni Group consists of Tokmanni and Dollarstore segments. Tokmanni segment consists of Tokmanni stores, Miny stores, Click Shoes stores and Shoe House stores, as well as Tokmanni and Click Shoes online stores. When referring to Shoe House and Click Shoes store chains, name Shoe House is used to cover both shoe store chains, unless otherwise stated. Dollarstore segment consists of Dollarstore and Bigdollar stores. Majority of sustainability targets regarding 2023 cover Tokmanni segment. Sustainability targets for 2024 are mainly set for the whole Group. Tokmanni Group’s corporate responsibility will be discussed more broadly in the Sustainability Report.

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Decent Work and Economic Growth means for us to be a responsible employer and to promote sustainable economic growth for all. We require our personnel and suppliers to comply with our Code of Conduct.

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

We promote Responsible Consumption and Production by ensuring that our sourcing and products are sustainable. For example, we have been participating in the FINIX research project led by Aalto University, which is developing tools for ensuring and improving the sustainability of textiles. For more information regarding the FINIX project, please visit finix.aalto.fi.

SDG 13: Climate action

Inherent parts of our climate action include the use of resources efficiently, decreasing CO2 emissions, and increasing the share of renewable heating. All the electricity we purchase and consume is carbon-free and over one fourth of our Tokmanni stores and the administradion and logistics centre have solar power plants on their roofs. Our accepted science-based targets that are in line with the 1.5 °C degree temperature rise and the Paris agreement, guide our climate work. We also work to reduce emissions in our supply chain, especially with our transportation partners. In addition, we increase the share of products with sustainability labels in our categories, pay more attention to sustainability of raw materials in our products and packaging, and develop business models based on circular economy principles.

UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Here are our actions in contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

UN Sustainable
Development Goals
sustainability goals 2024
How Tokmanni’s
goals support the SDGs
Business Integrity
8 Decent work and economic growth 8 Decent work and economic growth
16 Peace, justice and strong institutions 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • No serious breaches of non-compliance with ESG laws and regulations at the Group.
  • Group’s sustainability risk assessment done, incl. integration to Group-level risk. assessment process  
  • Test assurance for the Group 2023 sustainability report done and gap analysis implemented.
  • Preparations done for Group reporting according to CSRD standards.
  • Define Group-level sustainability agenda for the next strategy period.
  • The Group receives no notice from the authorities related to marketing.
  • No privacy violations found at the Group.
  • Business integrity shown towards our stakeholders by our employees supports justice and strong institutions and contributes to economic growth in Finland as well as in countries where we source our products from.
  • Tokmanni follows good corporate governance principles.
  • The Code of Conduct directs each Tokmanni employee in their daily work and in decision-making.
  • Tokmanni requires its suppliers to act in compliance with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct.
  • Tokmanni has completed a human rights impact assessment in compliance with UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and published its Human Rights Principles.
3 Good health and well-being 3 Good health and well-being
5 Gender Equality 5 Gender Equality
8 Decent work and economic growth 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • Build common HR KPI´s between the Group companies.
  • Harmonize the statutory Work Community Development Plans between Group companies.
  • Define the best practices in occupational health and safety (OHS) management and operations and implement them at Tokmanni Group.
  • Harmonize the occupational health services between Tokmanni, Click Shoes and Shoe House to offer all Tokmanni employees' same level of occupational services.  
  • Harmonize and improve the on-boarding process and leadership trainings of Group companies Improve the appraisal discussion process in the whole Group.
  • We treat all employees equally, seek to employ a diverse workforce and promote employee well-being. We also promote fair treatment in Finland and in our global supply chain, for example through the whistleblowing channel.
  • Gender equality is part of Tokmanni’s HR policy and Code of Conduct.
Products and sourcing
3 Good health and well-being 3 Good health and well-being
8 Decent work and economic growth 8 Decent work and economic growth
12 Responsible consumption and production 12 Responsible consumption and production
17 Partnerships for the goals 17 Partnerships for the goals
  • Increase the impact of Group’s own assessments: 100 own assessments and third-party assessments.
  • BSCI Compliance Rate 100% for Tokmanni segment and 80% for Dollarstore segment.
  • Responsible sourcing guidelines adopted at Group-level (incl. Group-level human rights due diligence process definition).
  • Supplier management system project started in Tokmanni (excl. Shoe House).
  • No serious product safety flaws in products sold by the Group, and reducing complaints in private label products.
  • Promoting sustainable choices at Tokmanni (Reputation&Trust survey) (excl. Shoe House).
  • Invite Tokmanni’s home textile factories to amfori BEPI environmental program (excl. Shoe House).
  • Develop Tokmanni’s targets for products certified and labelled as sustainable (excl. Shoe House).
  • We cooperate with different organisations (e.g., amfori BSCI, amfori BEPI) to reduce our human rights and environmental risks and to further advance sustainable production and consumption.
  • Our purchasing practices support job creation and economic growth, and promote decent work and working conditions in our sourcing countries.
  • Tokmanni’s own factory inspections, in addition to BSCI audits, minimise the risk of human rights violations in our supply chain.
  • Sharpening our human rights approach helps us to reduce our human rights risks.
  • We develop sustainable product selections through, for example, targets for certified high-risk raw materials, and offer our customers certified options and related communications in select products to advance responsible consumption and production.
7 Affordable and clean energy 7 Affordable and clean energy
9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure 9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
12 Responsible consumption and production 12 Responsible consumption and production
13 Climate action 13 Climate action
  • Reduce Tokmanni’s emissions according to current science-based targets (SBTs, 1.5 degrees Celsius) and own target (carbon neutral in own operations in 2025) (excl. Shoe House).
  • Recalculate a new baseline for SBTs for Tokmanni Group, including Shoe House and Dollarstore. Set new SBTs for the Group.
  • Maintaining Tokmanni’s CO2 emissions intensity from transport at the 2015 level in relation to revenue (excl. Shoe House).
  • Invite Tokmanni’s home textile factories to amfori BEPI environmental program (excl. Shoe House).
  • Develop Tokmanni’s targets for products certified and labelled as sustainable (excl. Shoe House).
  • Reach Tokmanni’s recycling and reuse target rate 85% (excl. Shoe House).
  • We strive for efficient use of resources, such as energy and waste, and increase the share of carbon-free energy through, for example, solar power generated with our own solar panels.
  • Raising awareness about environmentally friendly operations among our risk country suppliers (e.g., amfori BEPI).
  • Discussions with suppliers on science-based targets for reducing their emissions.
  • In 2023, all electricity purchased and consumed by Tokmanni was carbon-free. We are choosing renewable heating options always, when possible.
  • We increase the selection of sustainable products and seek to pay more attention to raw materials, recycling and sales of recyclable products, sales of products that reduce environmental impacts (e.g. rechargeable batteries), development of more sustainable packaging materials, and business models based on circular economy principles.
  • Emphasis on sustainability-related communications and marketing towards our customers.

Page last updated: 17.05.2024