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Sustainability management and organisation

At Tokmanni Group, sustainability is a part of the company’s strategy and day-to-day business operations. Sustainability work is guided by the business strategy, and by company’s purpose, values, Code of Conduct, sustainability policy, sustainability strategy and the themes and policies of the sustainability strategy.

Due to businesses acquired in 2023, Tokmanni Group is in a transition phase in the integration of Dollarstore as well as Click Shoes and Shoe House operations into its sustainability target setting and reporting. Tokmanni Group consists of Tokmanni and Dollarstore segments. Tokmanni segment consists of Tokmanni stores, Miny stores, Click Shoes stores and Shoe House stores, as well as Tokmanni and Click Shoes online stores. When referring to Shoe House and Click Shoes store chains, name Shoe House is used to cover both shoe store chains, unless otherwise stated. Dollarstore segment consists of Dollarstore and Big Dollar stores. Majority of sustainability targets regarding 2023 cover Tokmanni segment. Sustainability targets for 2024 are mainly set for the whole Group. Tokmanni Group’s corporate responsibility will be discussed more broadly in the Sustainability Report.

Tokmanni has committed to several international declarations and conventions. The most important of these are:

• The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Convention on the Rights of the Child
• The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
• The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
• The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
• The ICC Business Charter for Sustainable Development and Rules on Combating Corruption
• The UN Global Compact initiative
• The UN Sustainable Development Goals
• Amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative (amfori BSCI) Code of Conduct

Managing sustainability

The highest governance bodies of Tokmanni Group are the Tokmanni Group’s Board of Directors and respective Executive Groups of Tokmanni and Dollarstore. The Sustainability and Personnel Committee of Board of Directors assists the Board in matters related to the environment, society and governance (ESG). During the reporting period, governance bodies focused on addressing the risks and effects of changing sustainability related legislation.

Tokmanni has had a Sustainability Steering Group since 2019, headed by the Vice President, People, Culture and Sustainability, since mid-2021. The Tokmanni Sustainability Steering Group members include the Group President and CEO, and representatives from the finance, marketing and communications, sourcing, store network and concept, quality, and sustainability functions. Dollarstore’s sustainability and quality team is building an ESG organisation.

The Tokmanni-Dollarstore United Steering Group was formed in 2023 after the acquisition of Dollarstore. The Tokmanni-Dollarstore Steering Group includes among others the Chief Sustainability and Quality Officer from Dollarstore and the Head of Corporate Responsibility from Tokmanni, and it meets frequently to develop and collaborate sustainability related goals, policies, synergies, and processes together. The framework for sustainability work and the sustainability goals are defined at the Group-level. Due diligence and the precautionary principle guide all Tokmanni Group’s operations, including sustainability.

The Board of Directors has approved Tokmanni Group’s Code of Conduct and related ethical principles as well as non-financial information in the report of Board of Directors that includes Tokmanni Group’s material sustainability topics. Policies are approved by the Executive Group and guidelines by the Tokmanni Sustainability Steering Group. The Group’s new Sustainability and Personnel Committee monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of sustainability-related systems and processes. In addition, it assesses compliance with sustainability-related laws, regulations and company procedures. Tokmanni’s CDP report and the Group’s Corporate Governance Statement detail the role of the governance bodies in overseeing the management of and the decision-making concerning the organisation’s impacts on the economy, environment and people.

At Board meetings, the Vice President, Strategy, Business Development and e-commerce, provides regular updates on the progress against the sustainability projects included in the 2021–2025 business strategy, among other things. These updates include information about the management of Tokmanni Group’s impacts and due diligence processes. Additionally, the Board holds strategy meetings to review progress against the corporate strategy, which includes sustainability topics, and next year's priorities.

More information can be found in the English-language Sustainability Report, page 12, Managing sustainability.

Page last updated: 17.05.2024