Like-for-like revenue development, %
Like-for-like revenue development is calculated by taking into account the revenue growth of stores that are not considered to be net-new and the revenue growth of relocated stores, as defined by Tokmanni to include: (i) new stores opened; (ii) store relocations where the store size changes by 30 per cent or more and the assortment increases or is reduced substantially; and (iii) store expansions where the store size changes by 30 per cent or more. If the store falls in one of these categories, it is regarded as a net-new or relocated store in its opening year and in the following calendar year.
Customer visit development, %
Number of customer transactions
Gross profit
Revenue - Materials and services
Comparable gross profit
Gross profit - Changes in the fair value of currency derivatives - Other non-recurring expenses
Operating expenses
Employee benefits expenses + Other operating expenses
Comparable operating expenses
Operating expenses - Changes in fair value of electricity derivatives - Other non-recurring expenses
Operating profit + Depreciation
Comparable EBITDA
EBITDA - Changes in fair value of currency and electricity derivatives - Other non-recurring expenses
Comparable EBIT
EBIT - Changes in fair value of currency and electricity derivatives - Other non-recurring expenses
Net financial items
Financial income - Financial expenses
Capital expenditure
Net debt
Investments in tangible and intangible assets + Purchased subsidiary shares
Interest-bearing debt - Cash and cash equivalents
Net debt (without lease liabilities)
Net debt - IFRS 16 lease liabilities
Net debt / Comparable EBITDA
Net debt
Comparable EBITDA, average for the preceding 12 months
Net debt / Comparable EBITDA (without lease liabilities)
Net debt – IFRS 16 lease liabilities
Comparable EBITDA without IFRS 16 liabilities, average preceding 12 months
Capital employed
Long-term assets - Deferred tax assets + Current assets + Trade receivables and other receivables + Cash and cash equivalents - Long-term interest-free liabilities - Trade payables and other short-term liabilities
Return on capital employed, %, rolling 12 months
Comparable EBIT, average for the preceding 12 months
Capital employed, average for the preceding 12 months
Invested capital
Balance sheet total - Deferred tax liability and other non-interest-bearing liabilities
Return on invested capital, %
Profit before taxes + Interest and other financial expenses (preceding 12 months)
Invested capital, average for the preceding 12 months
Return on equity, %
Net result for the preceding 12 months
Equity, average for the preceding 12 months
Number of personnel
Number of personnel at the end of the period
Number of personnel on average, converted into full-time employees
Average number of personnel converted into full-time employees
Equity ratio
Balance sheet total - Advances received