Financial information


Reporting structure

Tokmanni Group consists of Tokmanni and Dollarstore segments as well as Group functions and eliminations. Tokmanni segment consists of Tokmanni stores, Miny stores, Click Shoes stores and Shoe House stores, as well as Tokmanni and Click Shoes online stores. Click Shoes’ and Shoe House’s financials have been included in Tokmanni Group financials starting from 1 March 2023. Dollarstore segment consists of Dollarstore and Bigdollar stores. Dollarstore financials have been included in Tokmanni Group financials starting from 1 August 2023. Due to Dollarstore's unusual accounting period and lack of IFRS financial statement reporting, Tokmanni Group does not publish figures for Dollarstore's comparison period, with the exception of revenue growth and certain operational figures.


Tokmanni Group’s business is subject to seasonality, which has a significant effect on its revenue, profitability, and cash flow. In general, Tokmanni Group’s revenue, profitability and cash flow are lowest in the first quarter and highest in the fourth quarter due to Christmas sales.

Page last updated: 11.06.2024